
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Virtual Seasons

It’s about that time - the time of year that a subtle twinge of homesickness creeps in. The changing seasons always bring out a bit of longing – even more so than holidays, because each new season brings a temporary yet reoccurring shift in lifestyle - with its own unique bundle of memories and a holiday is one portion of that bundle.

But it’s this particular time of year that gets me the most – the beginning of fall back home. Summer is by far my favorite season no matter where I am, but fall elicits more memories than any other time of year. Fall includes my two favorite holidays (Halloween and Thanksgiving), my birthday, a new school year, and a dramatic shift in the landscape – one that I do not get in Perth. Even when it’s fall in Perth, it’s not fall, but autumn - as I’ve rudely been reminded in the past.

Thanks to modern technology, the beginning of fall has been shoved in my face, and no where worse than on facebook. Here I’m confronted with status updates cheering on the beginning of the football season, comments on final lake house trips and changing leaves, and back to school photos. Please stop. I don’t want to know about the first sighting of Halloween candy or opening day of the ski season.

Adding to my sadness is the fact that this month I’m missing the wedding of one of my dearest friends and come November the birth of my brother’s first child. With weddings and babies come online gift registries. Even Pottery Barn with its textured fall patterns and pumpkin spiced candles is teasing me. Damn you Pottery Barn! And you too Crate and Barrel!

But, don’t play a sad song for me quite yet. Any day now I’ll be basking in the heat of the West Australian sun and turning circles in the waves of the Indian Ocean. However, when the candy corn does hit the shelves, please don’t forget to send me a bag.

1 comment:

  1. okay now you have me craving candy corn... it hit the shelves here at least a month ago!
