
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hankerin' for some curry

It wasn’t just the history and culture that drew us to Asia for our honeymoon – it was the food! Over the course of twelve days we ate our way through five countries. Pizza, what’s that? Turkey sandwich, does that come with bread? McDonalds, well, yes we did have McDonalds breakfast in Japan. The idea of salty fish and rice with my coffee didn’t sound right so we made an exception for our breakfasts. Otherwise, every lunch and dinner for twelve days was local cuisine. Exacerbating our gluttony was the fact that four out of the five countries were incredibly cheap – Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand, all cheap. A main course at a good restaurant was around $4 USD so we usually ordered an appetizer or two, maybe a soup, three main dishes and there was always room for dessert.

On the last night of our honeymoon we wandered into an exotic looking restaurant in Bangkok – strolling musicians, lush palms, candles abound - a perfect way to end the honeymoon. The menu was international fare. The rack of lamb and mashed potatoes was too tempting for Shane to turn down. He was ready for a change. I stuck with a coconut curry dish, appropriately served in a coconut.

Shane spent the nine hours of travel the following day shivering and nauseous. I thought for sure they’d pull him aside for Swine Flu. Then the following day, it hit. Bali belly. A full week of shuffling between the sofa and the toilette. It must have been the lamb. When in Rome, stick to the pasta.  I was fine, and two days later off on a plane for Sydney leaving Shane home alone under Bronson’s care.

Now that I’ve left you with that image, I thought I’d share one of our favorite Asian dishes at the moment. This is a slight variation of Aussie Chef Curtis Stone’s recipe. It’s easy, healthy, gluten free, and very yummy!

Curry Delight

2 tbsp olive oil
½ medium red onion, thinly sliced
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 carrot, cut into medium dice
1 chicken breast, cut into pieces (optional)
2 cups of mushrooms, quartered
1 ½ tbsp mild curry powder
12 oz light coconut milk
1 cup of small broccoli florets or broccoli pieces
2 cups of baby spinach leaves
2 spring onions, thinly sliced (green onion)
1 cup basmati rice, cooked to serve
1 lime, cut into wedges to serve

Add oil to a large saucepan or wok
Add chicken till partially cooked
Add onion, stirring often for 2 minutes
Add garlic and carrot, cook for 5 minutes
**do not allow anything to brown
Add mushroom, cook for 2 minutes
Add curry, cook for 2 minutes
Stir in coconut milk and bring to a simmer
Add broccoli and cook for 3 minutes or till tender
Fold in spinach
Dish out curry over rice in a bowl
Garnish with spring onions and lime

Serves a family of 4, 3 adults, or just Shane and I

If you add chicken then cut back in veggies to your liking.
I use an all-natural coconut milk and basmati rice because it has a low glycemic index.

Eat up!

1 comment:

  1. sounds delish! we heart us some curry so we'll be making this soon!
